January 4, 2010

Rejected illustrations

Like I mentioned yesterday, I had to get right back to work when I returned from Japan.
Here's an illustration I've been working on, but unfortunately it was turned down...

(Click here to see a bigger version)
The subject is ehm.... men with small..... ;-) ....who compensate in other areas.
(the text says: Man: "Do you mind that it's not so big?" Woman:"Mmmm.... what?")

So now I'm working on a complete new one in a different style. Here's the sketch:

This is as concrete as my sketches get. It's more to get an idea of the composition
and colours. I can't show you more until after it's been published.

What I can show you now is an illustration that I blogged about earlier:

(Click here to see a bigger version)
It's a spread (two pages) for an article about the benefits of being a big girl.
Unfortunately this one also got turned down!

I was quite happy with the illustrations, but the magazine thought the style wasn't
right for them. It's a shame that the drawings won't be used, but fortunately this
hardly ever happens.

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