January 16, 2011

Work work work...

Usually January is a quiet month for work, but this time it's been crazy! I've been working
practically non stop, but thankfully most work was a lot of fun.
My last job was a sketch for an advertisement, but I can't show you anything yet since it's
a pitch (but paid) and my sketch still has to be approved.
But it was a lot of fun to work on since the ad agency choose me for my 3D photo style!
So here are just some snapshots of the work in progresss.

update: Yes, my sketch has been approved! More about this assignment later.


  1. This looks so pretty, I can understand that you had fun making the scenes! The kicthen is my favourite. I hope the sketch will be approved, good luck (^-^)/

  2. Thank you, and yes, I got the assignment and I have to make much more paper scenes! :-)
